ALA Show Class Sponsor


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The ALA Convention show is a 20 class show. We award 1st, 2nd & 3rd places in each class. Additionally there are 4 additional Major awards.
Sponsoring an class costs $30 and the Major awards sponsorships are $50ea

Show Classes
1. Guppy – Male Solid Color Tail, Delta Tail
2. Guppy – Male Variegated Color Tail, Delta Tail
3. Guppy – Male Other Tail Types
4. Guppy – Female
5. Mollies – Domestic Varieties and Hybrids – Color and/or finnage variations of either sailfin or shortfin type mollies
6. Mollies – Natural Species: Poecilia butleri, caucana, chica, gilli, gracilis, latipinna, mexicana, orri, petenensis, salvatoris, sphenops, velifera, etc.
7. Swordtails – Domestic, Common Finnage Xiphophorus helleri
8. Swordtails – Domestic, Fancy Finnage Xiphophorus helleri
9. Swordtails – Wild type: Xiphophorus alvarezi, birchmanni, clemenciae, cortezi, continens, kallmani, malinche, mayae, mixei, montezumae, monticolus, multilineatus, nezahuacoyotl, nigrensis, pygmaeus, signum, and helleri (with collection site information)
10. Variatus & Platies – Domestic, Common Finnage Xiphophorus variatus & X..maculatus
11. Variatus & Platies- Domestic, Fancy Finnage Xiphophorus variatus & X.maculatus
12. Platies – Wild type: Xiphophorus andersi, couchianus, evelynae, gordoni, milleri, meyeri, xiphidium, and variatus & maculatus (with collection site information)
13. Limias: caymenensis, dominicensis, melanogaster, miragoaensis, nigrofasciata, ornata,
perugiae, sulfurophila, tridens, versicolor, vitatta, zonata, etc.
14. All other Poeciliid species: Alfaro, Belonesox, Brachyrhaphis, Carlhubbsia, Cnesterodon, Flexipinnis, Gambusia, Girardinus, Heterandria, Heterophallus, Neoheterandria, Phallichthys, Phallocerous, Poecilia (other than guppies & mollies listed above), micro-Poecilia, Poeciliopsis, Priapella, Priapicthys, Pseudopoecilia, Quintana, Scolichthys, Xenophallus, etc.
15. Goodeids – Torpedo Body Shape Allodontichthys, Allotoca, Ataenobius, Characodon, Girardinichthys, Goodea, Ilyodon, Xenotaenia, etc.
16. Goodeids – Deep Body Shape Alloophorus, Ameca, Chapalichthys, Skiffia, Xenoophorus, Xenotoca, Zoogoneticus, etc.
17. All Other Livebearers: Halfbeaks (Dermogenys, Nomorhamphus, Hemirhamphodon, Zenarchopterus, etc.), Anableps, Jenynsia, Stingrays, etc.
18. Pairs Class – Livebearers only male and female of the same species
19. Family Class – Livebearers parents and 10 or more fry under three months old. The fishes must have been bred by the exhibitor.
20. Livebearer photography

Chairman’s Award “most points”
Joanne Norton Award “Best domestic”
Frances Hubbs Miller Award “Best Goodeid”
Robert Rush Miller Award “Best Wild-type” (other than Goodeid)

Additional information


Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11, Class 12, Class 13, Class 14, Class 15, Class 16, Class 17, Class 18, Class 19, Class 20, Chairman's Award, Joanne Norton Award, Frances Hubbs Miller Award, Robert Rush Miller Award