The convention show is a great opportunity to show your fish. The entry fee is $2 per fish regardless of how many fish you enter. The number of tanks is limited so it is strongly suggested that you register early. You do not need to list what fish you will be bringing since the tanks are flexible.
Show Rules
1. Entries must be registered by Friday, May 15 at 10 pm.
2. All exhibits must be Set up by Friday at 10:00 PM and cannot be removed until Saturday after the banquet or 9 pm on Saturday evening and must be removed by 10 am Sunday morning.
3. Tampering with any exhibit other than that which belongs to oneself is strictly forbidden. If an entry needs to be moved for any reason the Show Committee will do so.
4. No extensions or early tear-downs without prior permission of the Show Committee.
5. All exhibits will be under the full control of the Show Committee while in the show, they must remain there for the duration of the show.
6. Items not claimed by 10 am on Sunday will become the property of ALA.
7. Neither the Hotel, nor the American Livebearer Association, nor the host club will be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred during the show. Exhibitors do have a responsibility to be careful with water.
8. Exhibitors may choose to have their exhibits auctioned. The exhibitor is responsible for making sure that those fish are bagged and properly labeled after judging is completed.
Show Classes
1. Guppy – Male Solid Color Tail, Delta Tail
2. Guppy – Male Variegated Color Tail, Delta Tail
3. Guppy – Male Other Tail Types
4. Guppy – Female
5. Mollies – Domestic Varieties and Hybrids – Color and/or finnage variations of either sailfin or shortfin type mollies
6. Mollies – Natural Species: Poecilia butleri, caucana, chica, gilli, gracilis, latipinna, mexicana, orri, petenensis, salvatoris, sphenops, velifera, etc.
7. Swordtails – Domestic, Common Finnage Xiphophorus helleri
8. Swordtails – Domestic, Fancy Finnage Xiphophorus helleri
9. Swordtails – Wild type: Xiphophorus alvarezi, birchmanni, clemenciae, cortezi, continens, kallmani, malinche, mayae, mixei, montezumae, monticolus, multilineatus, nezahuacoyotl, nigrensis, pygmaeus, signum, and helleri (with collection site information)
10. Variatus & Platies – Domestic, Common Finnage Xiphophorus variatus & X..maculatus
11. Variatus & Platies- Domestic, Fancy Finnage Xiphophorus variatus & X.maculatus
12. Platies – Wild type: Xiphophorus andersi, couchianus, evelynae, gordoni, milleri, meyeri, xiphidium, and variatus & maculatus (with collection site information)
13. Limias: caymenensis, dominicensis, melanogaster, miragoaensis, nigrofasciata, ornata,
perugiae, sulfurophila, tridens, versicolor, vitatta, zonata, etc.
14. All other Poeciliid species: Alfaro, Belonesox, Brachyrhaphis, Carlhubbsia, Cnesterodon, Flexipinnis, Gambusia, Girardinus, Heterandria, Heterophallus, Neoheterandria, Phallichthys, Phallocerous, Poecilia (other than guppies & mollies listed above), micro-Poecilia, Poeciliopsis, Priapella, Priapicthys, Pseudopoecilia, Quintana, Scolichthys, Xenophallus, etc.
15. Goodeids – Torpedo Body Shape Allodontichthys, Allotoca, Ataenobius, Characodon, Girardinichthys, Goodea, Ilyodon, Xenotaenia, etc.
16. Goodeids – Deep Body Shape Alloophorus, Ameca, Chapalichthys, Skiffia, Xenoophorus, Xenotoca, Zoogoneticus, etc.
17. All Other Livebearers: Halfbeaks (Dermogenys, Nomorhamphus, Hemirhamphodon, Zenarchopterus, etc.), Anableps, Jenynsia, Stingrays, etc.
18. Pairs Class – Livebearers only male and female of the same species
19. Family Class – Livebearers parents and 10 or more fry under three months old. The fish must have been bred by the exhibitor.
20. Livebearer photography
Chairman’s Award “most points”
Joanne Norton Award “Best Domestic”
Frances Hubbs Miller Award “Best Goodeid”
Robert Rush Miller Award “Best Wild-type” (other than Goodeid)
By entering fish into the Lone Star CARES Convention Fish Shows or bringing fish to the Convention for Sale, you are certifying that these fish have been obtained, imported, or bred within the parameters of the United States and Florida laws. Members are encouraged to review the Lacey Act, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and other relevant legislation before displaying or distributing wildlife. The Convention host organizations, including the American Killifish Association, The American Livebearer Association, and First Coast Bettas will not accept any fish prohibited by the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) or in violation of applicable laws in our shows.
Lacey Act
Lacy Act Amendments of 1981 – Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Endangered Species Act –Endangered Species Act | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service