ACA Photo and Art Show

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ACA Photo and Art Show

Tropical Fish Photo Contest – Official Judging Rules

Overview: Break up the digital photo portion into four separate categories covering the four organizations in the convention. Some rationale follows:

Fair and Balanced Judging Across Diverse Subjects:

  • Tropical fish species vary greatly in appearance, behavior, and habitat. Comparing a bright, showy species like a betta fish to a more subtle, translucent species could create bias toward visually striking subjects.
  • Breaking the contest into four species categories ensures that fish are judged alongside similar species, creating a level playing field.

Encouraging Diversity in Photography:

  • Photographers are incentivized to submit a range of photos across distinct species categories rather than focusing solely on popular or colorful species.
  • This encourages broader representation of rare, shy, or overlooked fish, promoting awareness of lesser-known species.

Highlighting Specific Skills and Techniques:

  • Capturing diverse types of fish requires distinct skills. For example:
    • Small/Schooling Fish – Emphasis on timing and movement.
    • Large/Predatory Fish – Focus on portraiture and power.
    • Bottom Dwellers/Invertebrates – Mastery of macro photography.
    • Rare/Exotic Species – Precision in lighting and coloration.
  • By creating separate categories, judges can fairly assess the technical skill required for each type of fish photography.

Enhanced Audience Engagement and Education:

  • Dividing the contest into species categories provides an educational component for convention attendees, allowing them to learn more about diverse types of tropical fish.


  • The contest is open to all photographers, both amateur and professional.
  • Photos must feature tropical fish in aquariums, natural habitats, or controlled environments.
  • AI-generated or heavily manipulated images are not eligible. Light editing for color correction, sharpening, and cropping is permitted.
  • Only original work by the entrant is accepted.

Submission Requirements:

Digital:   CLASS 1

  • Format: JPEG or PNG.
  • Number of Entries: Maximum of three entries per participant.
  • Submission Deadline: 6/02/25
  • Labeling: Each photo must include a photo title, and species name (if known).

Printed    CLASS 2

  • Format: Printed and framed
  • Size: 5×7” or comparable size format minimum. No maximum size limitations.
  • Number of Entries: Maximum of three entries per participant.

Judging Criteria for all digital & printed:

  • Technical Excellence (50%) – Focus, sharpness, lighting, and overall image quality.
  • Composition and Creativity (40%) – Framing, use of space, and artistic presentation. Unique angles and creative use of surroundings are encouraged.
  • Overall Impact (10%) – Photos that captivate viewers, tell a story, or evoke strong visual appeal.


  • Photos with visible watermarks, logos, or text overlays.
  • Overly edited images that distort the natural appearance of the fish.
  • Late submissions or failure to meet technical requirements.

Judging Process:

  • A panel of three judges with expertise in photography, aquatic life, and art will evaluate the submissions.
  • Each photo will be scored independently, with final scores averaged to determine placement.
  • Judges’ decisions are final and binding.

Awards and Recognition:

  • 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place
  • Best in Show – Highest-scoring photo overall. (award)
  • Best Composition – Awarded for artistic and creative framing.(recognition)
  • Most Unique Species – Highlighting rare or unusual tropical fish. (recognition)
  • Audience Favorite – Selected through public voting during the convention. (recognition)

Photo Display at Convention:

  • Digital Gallery – Photos will be displayed on large monitors or projectors throughout the convention space. Each photo will appear for 10-15 seconds. And visually labeled by number only.
  • Print Gallery (Optional) – Photos will be printed and displayed in a dedicated section.
  • Voting for Audience Favorite – Attendees can vote on paper ballots by submitting their last name and the corresponding image number.  One submission per attendee verified to the best ability by the head judge.

Judge Selection:

  • Panel Composition:
    • The panel should consist of 3 to 5 judges with expertise in photography, tropical fishkeeping, or aquatic wildlife.
    • Ideal judges include professional photographers, marine biologists, aquarium hobbyists, and artists specializing in aquatic subjects.
    • At least one judge should have experience identifying tropical fish species to ensure proper evaluation of rarity and subject matter.

Photo Submission Process:

  • Digital Submission Portal:
    • Set up an online portal (or email) for digital submissions. The portal should accept JPEG and PNG formats with file size limits.
    • Participants must register through the convention portal:
    • Entrants will receive a confirmation email once submissions are received and processed.
  • Deadline:
    • Digital submissions must be received NLT 10 days before the start of the convention. Late entries will not be considered.

File Naming Convention:

  • To streamline organization, digital files require a specific naming format: [LastName]_[FirstName]_Species_PhotoTitle.jpg
    (Example: Johnson_Emily_Angelfish_GoldenBeauty.jpg)

Digital Submission Verification:

  • After submission, each entry will be reviewed for compliance with the rules by head judge.
  • Disqualified photos (due to over-editing, watermarks, or wrong format) will prompt a notification, giving the entrant 48 hours to resubmit if the contest timeline allows.
  • Entries can be emailed ( except Print must be in attendance) to Mo Devlin (by 6-2-25)

Art Show Evaluation Criteria

Art submitted must be:

Created by an attendee of the convention and entered under their name.

Entirely original – no clip art or other elements created by someone else may be used.

All submitted works should have the following:

  • Title
  • Artist’s name
  • Types of media used
  • Statement of intent: the intended mood or message the piece is intended to convey

Class 3 2-dimensional Art (145 points)

Originality (     /20 pts)

Are the subject and composition of this piece innovative and interesting or is it stereotypical?

Skill and Execution of Media (      /20 pts)

Did the artist use the media they selected with skill?

Use of Design Elements (     /25 pts)

Line                        1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use line effectively to convey the intended mood or message of the piece?

Color                   1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use color effectively to convey the intended mood or message of the piece? Consider the following:

  • Use of hue (Combinations of colors)
  • Use of Value (Lightness and darkness of color)
  • Use of Intensity (how pure or muted a color is)

Space                              1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use space effectively in their composition? Consider the following:

  • Is there an illusion of 3-dimensional space?
  • Does the space between focal points add to or subtract from the overall impression and/or intent of the piece?

Light                      1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist create the illusion of light in their work effectively?

  • Are the subjects of the piece lighted realistically?
  • Does the use of light add to the depth of the scene?
  • Does the use of light convey a mood consistent with the intent of the piece?
  • Did the artist use their media to create the illusion of light and shadow?

Shape                     1        2        3        4        5

  • Are the shapes in the work consistent with the intent of the piece?
  • Do the shapes look like they belong together?
  • Does the placement of the shapes move your eye around the composition?

Overall Composition (60 points)

Balance       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

How do the colors, shapes, and textures in the piece work together? Do they create a balanced or harmonious effect, or is the piece imbalanced in some way?

Rhythm         1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Rhythm is the flow or movement created by repeated elements. If the artist has used rhythm, does it work in this piece of art? Does it help accomplish the intent of the piece?

Texture         1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

If the artwork depicts texture, does it seem realistic?

Contrast     1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Does the work make use of contrasting colors, textures, or lighting? Contrast can also be found in the use of different shapes or contours, like jagged versus curved lines, or geometric versus natural shapes.

Movement   1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

How does the work create a sense of movement? Is your eye drawn through the composition in a particular way?

Proportion 1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Do the sizes of the different elements in the work appear the way you would expect, or are they surprising? For example, if the work shows a group of people, do any of the figures look larger or smaller than they would in real life? Does this representation match the intent of the piece?

Class 4 3-dimensional Art (145 points)


Originality (     /20 pts)

Are the subject and composition of this piece innovative and interesting or is it stereotypical?

Does the design take advantage of multiple perspectives? (      /20 pts)

Is the designed to be viewed from all sides?

Skill & Execution of Media (      /20 pts)

Did the artist use the media they selected with skill?

Use of Design Elements (     /25 pts)

Line                        1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use line effectively to convey the intended mood or message of the piece?

Color                   1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use color effectively to convey the intended mood or message of the piece? Consider the following:

  • Use of hue (Combinations of colors)
  • Use of Value (Lightness and darkness of color)
  • Use of Intensity (how pure or muted a color is)

Space                              1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use space effectively in their composition? Consider the following:

  • Is there an illusion of 3-dimensional space?
  • Does the space between focal points add to or subtract from the overall impression and/or intent of the piece?

Light                      1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist create the illusion of light in their work effectively?

  • Are the subjects of the piece lighted realistically?
  • Does the use of light add to the depth of the scene?
  • Does the use of light convey a mood consistent with the intent of the piece?
  • Did the artist use their media to create the illusion of light and shadow?

Shape                     1        2        3        4        5

  • Are the shapes in the work consistent with the intent of the piece?
  • Do the shapes look like they belong together?
  • Does the placement of the shapes move your eye around the composition?

Overall Composition (60 points)

Balance       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

How do the colors, shapes, and textures in the piece work together? Do they create a balanced or harmonious effect, or is the piece imbalanced in some way?

Rhythm         1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Rhythm is the flow or movement created by repeated elements. If the artist has used rhythm, does it work in this piece of art? Does it help accomplish the intent of the piece?

Texture         1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

If the artwork depicts texture, does it seem realistic?

Contrast     1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Does the work make use of contrasting colors, textures, or lighting? Contrast can also be found in the use of different shapes or contours, like jagged versus curved lines, or geometric versus natural shapes.

Movement   1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Did the artist create a sense of movement sucessfully? Is your eye drawn through the composition in a particular way?

Proportion 1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Do the sizes of the different elements in the work appear the way you would expect, or are they surprising? For example, if the work shows a group of people, do any of the figures look larger or smaller than they would in real life? Does this representation match the intent of the piece?

Class 5 Wearable Art (T-shirts, hats, etc.) (145 points)

Originality (     /20 pts)

Are the subject and composition of this piece innovative and interesting or is it stereotypical?

Appropriate for an item of clothing (        / 20)

Skill & Execution of Media (      /20 pts)

Did the artist use the media they selected with skill?

Use of Design Elements (     /25 pts)

Line                        1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use line effectively to convey the intended mood or message of the piece?

Color                   1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use color effectively to convey the intended mood or message of the piece? Consider the following:

  • Use of hue (Combinations of colors)
  • Use of Value (Lightness and darkness of color)
  • Use of Intensity (how pure or muted a color is)

Space                              1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist use space effectively in their composition? Consider the following:

  • Is there an illusion of 3-dimensional space?
  • Does the space between focal points add to or subtract from the overall impression and/or intent of the piece?

Light                      1        2        3        4        5

Did the artist create the illusion of light in their work effectively?

  • Are the subjects of the piece lighted realistically?
  • Does the use of light add to the depth of the scene?
  • Does the use of light convey a mood consistent with the intent of the piece?
  • Did the artist use their media to create the illusion of light and shadow?

Shape                     1        2        3        4        5

  • Are the shapes in the work consistent with the intent of the piece?
  • Do the shapes look like they belong together?
  • Does the placement of the shapes move your eye around the composition?

Overall Composition (60 points)

Balance       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

How do the colors, shapes, and textures in the piece work together? Do they create a balanced or harmonious effect, or is the piece imbalanced in some way?

Rhythm         1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Rhythm is the flow or movement created by repeated elements. If the artist has used rhythm, does it work in this piece of art? Does it help accomplish the intent of the piece?

Texture         1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

If the artwork depicts texture, does it seem realistic?

Contrast     1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Does the work make use of contrasting colors, textures, or lighting? Contrast can also be found in the use of different shapes or contours, like jagged versus curved lines, or geometric versus natural shapes.

Movement   1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Did the artist create a sense of movement successfully? Is your eye drawn through the composition in a particular way?

Proportion 1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 10

Do the sizes of the different elements in the work appear the way you would expect, or are they surprising? For example, if the work shows a group of people, do any of the figures look larger or smaller than they would in real life? Does this representation match the intent of the piece?

Additional information


Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5