Lone Star Cares Convention Auction Guidelines
• The AKA/ALA/ACA/IBC auctions are run together and you will need to settle your tab at the conclusion of the auction. However, your convention registration number is your bidder number.
• If you have not registered for the convention you must register for the auction and there is no registration fee to buy. All buyers will be running a running (remove this second ‘running’)a tab, you can pay cash, check
(driver license/phone number required), or credit card. (A credit card handling fee maybe assessed).
• No items can be removed from the auction area until paid for and tabs settled.
• The AKA/ALA/ACA/IBC auctions will be held concurrently; one bag of killifish sold, then one bag of livebearers, then bag of cichlids, then one bag of bettas is sold until they are sold out.
• Items sold at the AKA auction are considered donations to the American Killifish Association.
• Returned checks will be assessed $30.00 fee.
• When an item is sold, the runner will bring the item to the buyer and the buyer is required to sign the purchase slip.
• Know what you are bidding on. All items are available for inspection prior to the auction. Take the time to examine each item so you positively know what it is BEFORE you bid. Once an item is sold it cannot be returned to the
auction to be resold.
• By registering to buy at the convention you are agreeing to Convention Auction Rules.
• Auction Splits for Respective Organizations:
American Killifish Association (AKA) are considered 100% donations to the AKA.
American Cichlid Associations (ACA) Sellers 70% ACA 30%
American Livebearers Association (ALA) Sellers 70% ALA 30%
International Betta Congress (IBC) Sellers 70% IBC 30%
• All bags must be labelled properly; seller’s name, e-mail address or phone number, species name, quantity, sex (if sexable), and other information needed.
JLW #1
Altolamprologus calvus
“Zaire Black” F1
Breeding Pair
JLW #2
Pseudotropheus saulosi
Qty: 6 unsexed
JLW #3
Pundamilia nyererei
Makobe Island
• Fish not properly bag will be assessed a $2.00 fee.
• Sellers can use their three initials and bag number. (ABC-1, ABC-2)
• There is a limit of 50 items per seller and a limit of 5 bags of any one species, color, or type.
• Items not sold will be considered donations.
• No dry goods in any of the auctions. Plants and Live food cultures are acceptable.
• Split checks are the responsibility of the respective organization and the Convention Committee bears no responsibility for the financial settlement between the seller and the respective organization.
• No minimum bids will be accepted.
• By registering to sell fish at the Convention Auction you are agreeing to abide by the auction rules.
• The auction committee has the right to refuse to sell items that are deformed, diseased, or in poor health.
• Auctioneer decision is final.
• All bidders must have a bidder’s card to bid.
• Anyone may purchase items at the auction but they must register to receive a bidder’s card.
• The Lone Star Cares Convention, The Lone Star Cares Convention Committee, the auctioneers, and the Marriott San Antonio Airport cannot be held responsible for accidents or, lost or stolen items.